AEEJ : Journal of Automotive Engineering and Vocational Education <pre><strong>AEEJ:Journal of Automotive Engineering <br><span style="text-decoration: underline;">and Vocational Education</span></strong><br>Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang<br>Frequency : 2 issues per year <br>Print ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-404X</a><br>Online ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4031</a><br>Editor-in-chief : M Yasep Setiawan, M.T.<br>Citation analysis : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a><br>Journal scope : <a href="">Click here</a></pre> en-US (M Yasep Setiawan) (Dwi Sudarno Putra) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Optimizing the Knuckle Corner Design of an Urban EV8 Vehicle Category Concept to Meet Turning Radius Requirements <p><em>This research aims to achieve the smallest possible turning radius for the knuckle joint while also meeting the regulations set by the Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) committee regarding the design angles and lengths. Calculations and testing are conducted using simulation methods to obtain suitable angles and lengths for the knuckle. This simulation method involves a series of analyses to obtain data such as static turning radius diagrams, followed by an analysis using the camber calculation formula. The shape, angle, length, and design of the knuckle are considered with regard to driving safety factors. The findings of this study indicate that for a six-meter turning radius, the outer wheel requires a steering angle of δ_0=10.868°, and the inner wheel requires a steering angle of δ_i=77.397°. After improvements, for a 5.5-meter turning radius, the outer wheel requires a steering angle of δ_0=15.960°, and the inner wheel requires a steering angle of δ_i=71.321°. It can be concluded that this design can optimize the performance of the knuckle steering system.</em></p> Idham Nurhadi, Ramdhani Ramdhani, Ibnu Mubarak ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 22 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Distribusi Panas Pengereman pada Sistem Rem Tromol <p><em>This study discusses the distribution of heat in the drum brake system using the experimental method using drums as the braking medium. The test was carried out using the brake test prototype process with the application of press and release. The test data collection technique is using three methods, namely by applying the same amount of press and release of the brake (20 seconds of pressure and 20 seconds of release), the application of press and release of the brake is released more than pressed (30 seconds is released and 10 seconds is pressed), and the application of press and release is more pressed than released (20 seconds pressed and 10 seconds released). The results showed that the highest temperature obtained in the application of brakes for 20 seconds and release for 20 seconds on standard drum brakes reached 61.8 <sup>º </sup>C, while applying the brakes for 10 seconds and releasing them for 30 seconds reached 46.3 º C, and applying the brakes for 20 seconds and releasing them for 10 seconds achieved a temperature increase of 73.5 º C.</em></p> <p>Penelitian ini berdiskusi tentang distribusi panas pada sistem rem tromol dengan metode eksperimen menggunakan tromol sebagai media pengereman. Adapun teknik pengambilan data pengujian yaitu dengan tiga metode, yaitu dengan pengaplikasian tekan dan lepas rem sama banyak (20 detik tekan dan 20 detik lepas), pengaplikasian tekan dan lepas rem lebih banyak dilepas dari pada ditekan (30 detik dilepas dan 10 detik ditekan), dan pengaplikasian tekan dan lepas rem lebih banyak ditekan dari pada dilepas (20 detik ditekan dan 10 detik dilepas). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan suhu tertinggi &nbsp;yang didapatkan pada pengaplikasian rem selama 20 detik dan lepas selama 20 detik pada rem tromol standard mencapai 61,8<sup>o</sup>C, sementara pengaplikasian rem 10 detik dan lepas selama 30 detik mencapapi 46,3<sup>o</sup>C, dan pengaplikasian rem 20 detik dan lepas selama 10 detik mencapai kenaikan suhu 73,5<sup>o</sup>C.</p> Faisal Amri, Wanda Afnison, Toto Sugiarto, Wagino Wagino ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Aerodinamika Bodi Kendaraan Urban Single Seater menggunakan metode Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) <p>The purpose of this study is to determine the aerodynamic design of an energy-efficient vehicle body by reducing the drag force and side force. The method used is to compare two single seater vehicle body designs through Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations on the Autodesk Flow Design tool. Then proof is carried out using theoretical calculation analysis. Based on the simulation test, it was found that the aerodynamics of vehicle design 2 had a smaller aerodynamic force compared to design 1. The difference in the drag force value with speed variations of 13.9 m/s in the simulation and theoretical analysis was 6.814 N and 4.3 N. Meanwhile, the difference in the value side force with the same speed variations in the simulation and theoretical analysis is 7.399 N and 7.3N.</p> <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang bodi kendaraan hemat energi yang aerodinamis dengan mengurangi besar<em> drag force</em> dan <em>side force</em>. Metode yang digunakan yaitu membandingkan dua rancangan desain bodi kendaraan <em>single seater</em> melalui simulasi <em>Computational Fluid Dynamics</em> pada perangkat Autodesk Flow Design. Kemudian dilakukan pembuktian menggunakan analisisa perhitungan secara teoritis. Berdasarkan uji simulasi, didapatkan bahwa aerodinamika desain kendaraan 2 memiliki gaya aerodinamika lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan desain 1. Selisih perbedaan nilai <em>drag force</em> dengan variasi kecepatan 13,9 m/s pada simulasi dan analisa teoritis yaitu sebesar 6,814 N dan 4,3 N. Sedangkan perbedaan nilai <em>side force</em> dengan variasi kecepatan yang sama pada simulasi dan Analisa teoritis yaitu sebesar 7,399 N dan 7,3 N.</p> Rheihanita Noer Aprillia, Ramdhani Ramdhani, Sriyono Sriyono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Perancangan Video Pembelajaran Sistem Kelistrikan Bodi Kendaraan Pada Mata Pelajaran Pemeliharaan Kelistrikan Kendaraan Ringan <p>The purpose of this research is to design instructional videos that will make learning easier for students. In this study the research and development (R&amp;D) method was used and the subjects in this study consisted of material experts, media experts, and class XI students of Light Vehicle Engineering SMKN 1 West Sumatra. The data analysis technique of this research uses a quantitative descriptive technique, applies the results of product design in the form of learning video media, tests the level of validation and product feasibility on vehicle body electricity in light vehicle electricity subjects. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the design of the learning video for the vehicle body electrical system in the light vehicle electrical maintenance subject is very suitable for use as a learning medium because it can be accessed anywhere and anytime and can be viewed repeatedly.</p> <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang video pembelajaran yang akan membuat belajar lebih mudah bagi siswa. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode <em>research and development</em> (R&amp;D) dan subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari ahli materi, ahli media, dan siswa kelas XI Teknik Kendaraan Ringan SMKN 1 Sumatera Barat. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif, mengaplikasikan hasil perancangan produk dalam bentuk media video pembelajaran, menguji tingkat validasi dan kelayakan produk pada kelistrikan bodi kendaraan mata pelajaran kelistrikan kendaraan ringan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Perancangan video pembelajaran sistem kelistrikan bodi kendaraan pada mata pelajaran pemeliharaan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan ini sangat layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran karena dapat di akses dimanapun dan kapanpun dan bisa dilihat secara berulang-ulang.</p> alex sandra zalman, irma yulia basri, andrizal andrizal, muslim muslim ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Aplikasi Inventaris Berbasis Komputer Workshop Alat Berat Politeknik Negeri Padang <p><em>The purpose of this research is to design a Computer-Based Inventory application of equipment in the Heavy Equipment Workshop of Padang State Polytechnic. Historically, the borrowing, returning, utility, and tool data recording have been manual processes involving a substantial amount of paperwork, often leading to errors in item placement, difficulties in accessing information, and the risk of data loss. This application not only provides a centralized platform for recording and monitoring inventory but also facilitates real-time information access. With this technology, workshops can avoid shortages or excesses of items, enhance the efficiency of heavy equipment utilization, and optimize maintenance cycles. The methodology employed in developing this application is the Waterfall Development Method. The research outcome is a computer-based application using Visual Basic and SQL Server Database.</em></p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang aplikasi Inventaris Berbasis Komputer peralatan di Workshop Alat Berat Politeknik Negeri Padang. Selama ini peminjaman, pengembalian, Utility, dan pendataan <em>tools</em> dilakukan secara manual menggunakan kertas sehingga memakan waktu dan kertas yang banyak, seringkali mengakibatkan kesalahan peletakan barang, kesulitan akses informasi, dan risiko kehilangan data. Aplikasi inventaris workshop alat berat ini tidak hanya menyediakan platform terpusat untuk mencatat dan memantau inventaris, tetapi juga memberikan kemudahan dalam mengakses informasi secara real-time. Metode yang digunakan pada pembuatan aplikasi ini adalah Metode Research and Development (R&amp;D) dengan model Pengembangan Waterfall. Hasil penelitian ini adalah aplikasi berbasis komputer menggunakan Visual Basic dan SQL Server Database yang dapat digunakan untuk peminjaman dan pengembalian inventaris di workshop alat berat sehingga semua tools dapat terdata dengan baik.</p> Andriyanto Andriyanto, Atikah Ardi, Dian Wahyu, Hanif Hanif, Nofriyandi R, Dimas Satrio Laksono Nugroho ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pemantauan kecepatan dan suhu engine dengan Teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) <p><em>The use of technology has made human life easier, all sectors have merged with technology, such as Internet of Things (IoT) technology where an object is embedded with technology such as sensors and software with the aim of communicating with each other and exchanging data via software as long as it is still connected to the internet. This test aims to monitor engine speed and temperature. This research and testing uses a standard measuring instrument development method that uses a Tachometer to a measuring instrument with IoT technology that uses sensors. The design of the engine speed and temperature monitoring tool with Internet of Things technology uses several main tools, namely the Arduino Uno module, ESP8266, speed and temperature sensors which can be monitored using a smartphone. The results of engine speed monitoring by comparing standard measuring instruments with IoT technology monitoring tools or presentation of the average failure of the Tachometer and monitoring tools are 1.35. This means that the level of precision of monitoring tools with IoT technology is better than standard tools.</em></p> <p>Pemanfaatan teknologi telah mempermudah kehidupan manusia, semua sektor telah melebur bersama teknologi, seperti halnya teknologi Internet of things (IoT) dimana suatu objek ditanamkan teknologi seperti sensor dan software dengan tujuan saling berkomunikasi dan bertukar data melalui software selama masih terhubung ke internet. Pengujian ini bertujuan untuk memonitor kecepatan dan suhu engine. Penelitian dan pengujian ini menggunakan motode pengembangan alat ukur standar yang menggunakan Tachometer ke&nbsp;&nbsp; alat ukur dengan teknologi IoT yang menggunakan Sensor. Rancang bangun alat pemantauan kecepatan dan suhu engine dengan teknologi Internet of Things ini menggunakan beberapa alat utama yaitu Arduino uno modul, ESP8266, Sensor kecepatan dan&nbsp; suhu yang monitoringnya menggunakan Smartphone. Hasil pemantauan kecepatan engine dengan membandingkan antara&nbsp; alat ukur standar dengan alat pemantauan teknologi IoT atau presentasi rata-rata kegagalan <em>Tachometer </em>dan alat monitoring sebesar 1,35 . Artinya tingkat presisi alat pemantauan dengan tekno;ogi IoT ini lebih baik dari alat standar.</p> Guswandri Guswandri, Khairul Amri, Nofriyandi R, Refnal Marzuki, Rino Sukma ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Identifikasi Dan Analisis Potensi Bahaya Dengan Menggunakan Metode JSA( Job Safety Analysis ) Di Bengkel Mitsubishi Dipo Internasional Pahala Otomotif Serang City <p><em>Mitsubishi Dipo International Pahala Automotive Workshop Serang City is one of the automotive industries that focuses on service services, work in this industry includes periodic service, repairs, part changes, and much more. Seeing that, to prevent or reduce the value or number of existing work accident risks, the JSA (Job Safety Analysis) method is used. The purpose of the study is to determine the factors that cause work accidents that occur and determine the potential and risks during the service process in the stal service area, so that a recommendation or solution is obtained as an effort to improve K3. The results showed that there were potential hazards in all risk categories, namely 9 low (Low), 10 medium (Medium), 6 high (High), 0 very high (Extremely High).</em></p> <p><em>Bengkel Mitsubishi Dipo Internasional Pahala Otomotif&nbsp; Serang City merupakan salah satu industri otomotif yang berfokus pada pelayanan service , pekerjaan pada industri ini antara lain service berkala, perbaikan, pergantian part, dan masih banyak lagi. Melihat hal itu, untuk mencegah atau mengurangi nilai atau angka dari risiko kecelakaan kerja yang ada digunakan metode JSA ( Job Safety Analysis). Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab kecelakaan kerja kerja yang terjadi serta mengetahui potensi dan risiko selama proses service di area stal service terjadi, sehingga didapat sebuah rekomendasi ataupun solusi sebagai upaya peningkatan K3. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat potensi bahaya pada semua kategori risiko yaitu 9 rendah (Low), 10 sedang (Medium), 6 tinggi (High), 0 sangat tinggi (Extremely High).</em></p> Diki Purbasari, Sulaeman Deni Ramdani, Verly Vernando ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000